Children are precious. They represent the very best of society. Each child has purpose and promise and given the right opportunity, they can flourish into outstanding men and women. Even during a normal childhood, the world can be huge and overbearing at times. Still, some children go through that and more, experiencing things that no child should ever have to go through. We, who are capable and have made it through childhood and adolescence, should reach back and lift others out of despair. We must protect the next generation and give back to them the right to just be children, without dealing with the spillover of another adult’s afflictions and shortcomings. They need to be heard. That is why the Court may appoint a guardian ad litem to a case.
The Law Office of Christopher G. Findlater, PLLC seeks to lend a voice to the voiceless of society, the children, and the mentally or physically handicapped. Guardians ad litem are attorneys appointed by the court to advocate for the best interest of a child in a pending case. A guardian ad litem can be also appointed to help incapacitated persons, who are physically or mentally incapable of taking care of themselves. In some cases, this can be an elderly person who is slowly losing their independence, and needs help in the form of a guardianship for their well-being or a conservator, to overlook their financial affairs. A guardian ad litem, in those cases, investigates and determines who is best suited and capable to take on such roles on behalf of the incapacitated person. Again, the best interest of the most vulnerable person should be at the heart of any recommendation to the Court by the guardian ad litem.
Whether in the case of a juvenile or incapacitated person, the Law Office of Christopher G. Findlater views it as a privilege to serve in such capacity, when appointed by the Court.