Auto Accidents

In Northern Virginia, we are all too familiar with traffic, which has become a way of life for us. Whether it is the dreaded beltway or the always congested I-66, everyone always has somewhere to be and fast. Sometimes, among the daily humdrum, drivers put their brains on cruise control. They daydream about their plans for the day. They take dangerous risks in an attempt to avoid traffic. They intentionally engage in distractions, like texting on their phones which leads to auto accidents every day.
Or worse, they drink and drive. Actions like these, create a high risk of danger that can result in a collision, and perhaps, a violent one.
If you were involved in an auto accident, at the hands of another driver’s negligence, we want to hear your story. You may have concerns about the payment of medical bills, lost time at work, damage to your car or motorcycle, or calls from the insurance company of the driver at fault. Maybe, the at-fault driver does not have insurance. We understand. You will want an attorney on your side.
Upon accepting your case, we will employ our step by step process. We will investigate the accident and obtain any police report that was filed. We will obtain photographs of the road or highway where the accident occurred. We will obtain any available witness statements. We will retrieve all your related medical records and bills. Attorney Findlater will evaluate the claim and demand compensation from the insurance companies for your injuries, money lost, and inconvenience. If the insurance companies fail to provide a fair settlement of the case, hiding behind “contributory negligence” or other defenses not applicable to your case, he will file suit and take your case to trial.
If you have a personal injury or property damage automobile accident case, contact the Law Office of Christopher G. Findlater. The initial phone consultation and meeting is free of charge.
Think you may need an attorney?
Contact us to see if we may be able to help you.